- 445,279 total downloads
- last updated 5/4/2023
- Latest version: 0.20230419.1
This package provides the int8 quantized ArcFace ONNX model from the official ONNX Model Zoo. ArcFace is a state-of-the-art face recognition model that is used to infer embeddings for advanced face... More information -
- 420,450 total downloads
- last updated 6/15/2023
- Latest version: 0.20230205.2
This package provides an SCRFD 2.5G KPS model with dynamic shapes, downloaded from the official repository. SCRFD is a state-of-the-art face detection model that also provides... More information -
by: georgjung- 420,081 total downloads
- last updated 2/18/2024
- Latest version: 0.5.23
FaceAiSharp allows you to work with face-related computer vision tasks easily. It currently provides face detection, face recognition, facial landmarks detection, and eye state detection functionalities.... More information -
- 419,901 total downloads
- last updated 2/18/2024
- Latest version: 0.5.23
FaceAiSharp allows you to work with face-related computer vision tasks easily. It currently provides face detection, face recognition, facial landmarks detection, and eye state detection functionalities.... More information -
- 419,530 total downloads
- last updated 5/4/2023
- Latest version: 0.20220116.2
This package provides OpenVino's open-closed-eye-0001 model. It is a fully convolutional network for recognition of eye state (open, closed). -
- 289,393 total downloads
- last updated 4/30/2024
- Latest version: 1.0.28
Fast and memory-efficient WordPiece tokenizer as it is used by BERT and others. Tokenizes text for further processing using NLP/language models. -
- 119,054 total downloads
- last updated 7/13/2021
- Latest version: 2.0.3
Provides Lookup and LookupAsync methods to find the MAC address corresponding to an IP address on Windows and Linux. -
- 82,154 total downloads
- last updated 1/6/2023
- Latest version: 3.0.8
Managed wrapper for MozJPEG. Does not include native binaries. For a version including native binaries look at the MozJpegSharp convenience package. MozJPEG reduces file sizes of JPEG images while retaining... More information -
- 65,785 total downloads
- last updated 1/6/2023
- Latest version: 3.0.8
GDI+ extension methods for MozJpegSharp. Install this package if you want to compress System.Drawing.Bitmap objects using MozJPEG. Requires libgdiplus to be installed on macOS and Linux. For better... More information -
- 31,060 total downloads
- last updated 1/6/2023
- Latest version: 3.0.8
Managed wrapper for MozJPEG. This is a convenience package to easily install the managed wrapper as well as the native binaries. For easier usage with imaging/graphics libraries, see also... More information -
- 22,589 total downloads
- last updated 1/6/2023
- Latest version: 0.20220815.4
This package contains platform-specific native code builds of MozJPEG for use with MozJpegSharp. To use this, you need MozJpegSharp.Core. A convenience package is named MozJpegSharp. -
- 9,687 total downloads
- last updated 1/7/2020
- Latest version: 0.3.0
A fluent .Net Standard 2.0 wrapper for the Cloudflare API v4. -
- 5,838 total downloads
- last updated 5/11/2020
- Latest version: 1.1.11
Send emails with FluentEmail via Postmark. -
- 5,712 total downloads
- last updated 5/4/2023
- Latest version: 0.20220210.3
This package provides the ArcFace ONNX model from the official ONNX Model Zoo. ArcFace is a state-of-the-art face recognition model that is used to infer embeddings for advanced face identification and analysis... More information -
- 5,524 total downloads
- last updated 1/6/2023
- Latest version: 3.0.8
SkiaSharp extension methods for MozJpegSharp. Install this package if you want to compress SKBitmap objects using MozJPEG. MozJpegSharp is a managed wrapper for MozJPEG. Includes native MozJPEG binaries... More information -
- 1,368 total downloads
- last updated 10/26/2019
- Latest version: 4.2.3
Xamarin.Android bindings for the AppIntro Java library. -
- 1,315 total downloads
- last updated 3/11/2020
- Latest version: 1.0.8
A .Net Standard 2.1 client library for receiving real-time price updates. -
- 736 total downloads
- last updated 5/4/2023
- Latest version: 0.20230205.2
This package provides an SCRFD 2.5G KPS model, downloaded from the official repository and converted to ONNX. SCRFD is a state-of-the-art face detection model that also... More information