- 95,303 total downloads
- last updated 2/19/2013
- Latest version:
HttpWebAdapters -
- 10,576 total downloads
- last updated 9/16/2012
- Latest version: 1.2.0
Updated for Nuget 2.0: This adds copy and copySearch to the command line. "nuget.exe copy packageId [-Version version] [-Source sourceFeed] [-Destination destinationPathOrFeed] [-ApiKey apiKey]" | "nuget.exe... More information -
- 3,126 total downloads
- last updated 7/1/2011
- Latest version: 1.0.0
ConfigurableAppSettings allows drop-in support for strongly-typed *Settings classes that are overridable via app.config or web.config -
- 2,808 total downloads
- last updated 7/1/2011
- Latest version: 1.0.0
ConfigurableAppSettings.StructureMap extends ConfigurableAppSettings with StructureMap integration